Planning For A Healthier Tomorrow: 5 Questions with Dr. Stacie Stephenson

Learn the secret to living a longer and healthier life from Dr. Stacie Stephenson, aka the VibrantDoc (, who has dedicated her life to helping people better understand the power of creating health from within. Here, the recognized leader in functional medicine, who also serves as vice chair of Gateway for Cancer Research (, shares her healthy tips, plus her favorite spots to dine when in Scottsdale.

What are the top takeaways fromVibrant: A Groundbreaking Program to Get Energized, Own Your Health, and Glow(BenBella Books)? What I’d most like everyone to get from my book Vibrant is that, for most of us, health is not complicated. Fixing your diet alone can solve 90% of common health issues like fatigue, excess weight, brain fog, aches and pains, and that vague feeling of unwellness. I’d also like people to learn that health also means mental health, and the key is connection.

What is the benefit of functional medicine? Conventional medicine is great for emergencies, but for getting and staying healthy and resolving nagging chronic conditions, a functional medicine doctor can help you to get your lifestyle in order, use food as medicine and, most importantly, look at the whole you as an ecosystem, in which every part affects every other part.

What is the key to anti-aging? When we say anti-aging, what we really mean is not aging prematurely. If you take care of yourself consistently, day after day, with a healthy lifestyle, you won’t accelerate the aging process and you can even slow it down. You have to stop saying yes to everything, so you have time to do the right things, like eat whole food, exercise your body, get out in nature and bond with people who love you.

What does philanthropy involvement mean to you? Philanthropy has become increasingly important to me over the years, not only because I want to make a difference in this life, but because I know firsthand that health isn’t just about diet and exercise, but about connecting with others, serving others, and thinking about and prioritizing more than just yourself. I find that the more I focus on the needs of others, the better I feel—in fact, it’s an established principle that when you take your mind off your own troubles and focus on helping other people with their troubles, mental health improves. Philanthropy is quite simply a win-win proposition.

Where’s your go-to place to eat in Scottsdale? My favorites include Ocean 44, Dominick’s Steakhouse, Café Monarch and Zinc Bistro. Elements at Sanctuary Camelback Resort and Tarbell’s are must-stops.

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