Jason Wyrick, vegan chef and The New York Times best-selling author, recently opened the Valley’s first vegan fine dining restaurant, Casa Terra.
If you could only eat three things per day, what would they be?Really great tacos, shiro wat—which is an Ethiopian spiced dish—and a really good bean burrito.
Fasting: yes or no? I’m totally for it. But it’s tough when you’re a chef! I go, ‘OK, I’m going to fast,’ and then have to come in and try new things. But I’m all for it.
What’s one thing you’ve done in the last year to change your health? Taking care of myself mentally and spending time with my family, especially my daughter.
If you’re going to have a drink, what is it and why? Rooibos tea. It’s really refreshing, and a grey rooibos tastes amazing.
What’s your favorite indulgence, food or otherwise? Eating at a really nice restaurant, wherever that is. If I go to Chicago, I’d go to Topolobampo.
What food trend is annoying you right now? I hate the foods of the moment. It drives me insane. When kale was big, I saw it everywhere—even in ice cream. People went crazy for it. I was like, ‘Go to hell, kale.’
There seems to be a ton of plant-based milk alternatives nowadays. What are your favorites at the moment? Almond milk, soy milk and oat milk. Oat milk’s actually pretty good.
You’re on a desert island. What do you bring?My iPad because it has all my books on it, plenty of food and a cellphone that actually lets me call someone.
Is there anything you wish the general public would try more? The cheeses that we make here [at Casa Terra]. They’re so good, they make nonvegans not care anymore.
Photography by: carl schultz | shot on location at urban farm